Understanding Psychology with Dr. Daniel Kaplin
Understanding Psychology with Dr. Daniel Kaplin
  • Видео 353
  • Просмотров 294 758


Introduction to Psychology: Personality Disorders
Просмотров 975 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Personality Disorders
Introduction to Psychology: Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Просмотров 935 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Introduction to Psychology: Mood Disorders
Просмотров 555 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Mood Disorders
Introduction to Psychology: Childhood Disorders
Просмотров 1415 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Childhood Disorders
Introduction to Psychology: Eating Disorders
Просмотров 425 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Eating Disorders
Introduction to Psychology: Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders
Просмотров 555 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders
Introduction to Psychology: Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive and Stress Disorders
Просмотров 565 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive and Stress Disorders
Introduction to Psychology: Introduction to the DSM-5-TR
Просмотров 985 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Introduction to the DSM-5-TR
Introduction to Psychology: What are Psychological Disorders
Просмотров 445 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: What are Psychological Disorders
Introduction to Psychology: The Role of Social and Cognitive Factors on Personality
Просмотров 9025 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: The Role of Social and Cognitive Factors on Personality
Introduction to Psychology: Trait Perspective to Personality and Objective Personality Testing
Просмотров 2275 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Trait Perspective to Personality and Objective Personality Testing
Introduction to Psychology: Humanistic Perspective of Personality
Просмотров 305 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Humanistic Perspective of Personality
Introduction to Psychology: Neo-Analytic (Neo-Freudian) Perspectives to Personality
Просмотров 3595 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Neo-Analytic (Neo-Freudian) Perspectives to Personality
Introduction to Psychology: Understanding Personality and the Historical Context of Psychoanalysis
Просмотров 3395 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Understanding Personality and the Historical Context of Psychoanalysis
Introduction to Psychology: Projective Personality Tests
Просмотров 835 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Projective Personality Tests
Introduction to Psychology: Cognition and Memory Processing
Просмотров 2525 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Cognition and Memory Processing
Introduction to Psychology: Cognition and Intellectual Functioning
Просмотров 505 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Cognition and Intellectual Functioning
Introduction to Psychology: Bandura, the Bobo Doll Study, and Observational Learning
Просмотров 3465 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Bandura, the Bobo Doll Study, and Observational Learning
Introduction to Psychology: Cognitive Constraints to Operant Conditioning
Просмотров 355 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Cognitive Constraints to Operant Conditioning
Introduction to Psychology: Psychological Impact and Alternatives to Corporal Punishment
Просмотров 2285 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Psychological Impact and Alternatives to Corporal Punishment
Introduction to Psychology: Schedules of Reinforcement
Просмотров 275 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Schedules of Reinforcement
Introduction to Psychology: Thorndike, Skinner, and Operant Conditioning
Просмотров 165 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Thorndike, Skinner, and Operant Conditioning
Introduction to Psychology: Pavlav, Watson, and Classical Conditioning
Просмотров 465 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Pavlav, Watson, and Classical Conditioning
Introduction to Psychology: Social Relationships and Aggression
Просмотров 7385 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Social Relationships and Aggression
Introduction to Psychology: Social Relationships and the Roots of Prejudice
Просмотров 245 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Social Relationships and the Roots of Prejudice
Introduction to Psychology: Social Psychology, Social Facilitation, Loafing, and Group Polarization
Просмотров 2685 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Social Psychology, Social Facilitation, Loafing, and Group Polarization
Introduction to Psychology: Social Psychology, Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience
Просмотров 2895 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Social Psychology, Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience
Introduction to Psychology: Phil Zimbardo, The Stanford Prison Study, and Role-playing on Attitudes
Просмотров 3425 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Phil Zimbardo, The Stanford Prison Study, and Role-playing on Attitudes
Introduction to Psychology: Social Psychology, Thinking, Attribution Theory, and Attitude Formation
Просмотров 2965 месяцев назад
Introduction to Psychology: Social Psychology, Thinking, Attribution Theory, and Attitude Formation


  • @MistressGomorahhReigne
    @MistressGomorahhReigne 6 дней назад

    Hello Dr Kaplin. I just wanted to say as a practioner of BDSM for 10 years now as a Sado-masochist. I wanted to thank you for not making us all seem screwed up in the head for lack of better words. Only thing I would like to add is that many of us who identify as a sadist or masochist may be like myself a bit of Both.. I personally am more sadistic than masochstic but both sides persist. Would also say that i didn't discover that i was a Sado-Masochist until my mid 20's but i had been called both as a kid with out any true knolwedge of it. I have met many Masochist because i attract them and i must say that BDSM is truly a breath fresh air for our types because many of us think consent is sexy and that's the first tenant of BDSM. Thank you again for representing us in a professional way.

    • @understandingpsychology
      @understandingpsychology 4 дня назад

      It is my pleasure. There are too many conditions that have been overly stigmatized.

  • @ForBlow
    @ForBlow 7 дней назад

    we prefer benzodiazepine

  • @melbee4848
    @melbee4848 7 дней назад

    This is the first video that explained to me the “dependency”. My former partner has HPD but I also felt like he has a “Love Addiction” however nothing within HPD would warrant a love addiction presentation. He also identified and connected to the “love addiction” criteria We had the mcmi done and he was VERY LOW on the Dependent PD scale which is what most Love Addicts are high to disordered in. This video helped me to see how he can be high in dependent behavior but that it falls within the HPD scope. Are you able to differentiate more on this? Why would he score low of DPD on mcmi but disordered HPD with high levels of dependency? He would be sick, I’m a nurse and I think that really exasterbated his illnesses and made him more dependent on me. I believe he had conversion disorders he couldn’t see, became sensitive to light, he would get these massive GI attacks and would lay in bed for days. He would call me constantly asking if he should go to the ER. He never made up illness though he always was legit ill. He hated being ill bc it made him feel like a loser waste of space and he couldn’t get anything done. Anyway please dive deeper into the difference in presentation of DPD and the dependency of HPD and why wouldn’t they score high on both.. Also do you see a lot of love addict with concurrent HPD? He is a full blown Seggs Addict we’re talking hard core deceptive lying manipulative completely checked out compartmentalized states he doesn’t remember etc Btw he was very feminine and I loved that he had what I thought was a kinder remote gentle side. Wolf in sheep’s clothing Thanks

  • @ozgenurwest.
    @ozgenurwest. 14 дней назад

    amazing description! thx for this video

  • @5hydroxyT
    @5hydroxyT 19 дней назад

    The interesting thing nowadays is that people are seeking the label on purpose - mostly for more 'socially acceptable' illnesses like ADHD or ASD. This is the modern labour revolution, where instead of striking or rising up against unhealthy working conditions in a dysfunctional capitalist state, people are feigning illness and disability, or finding other forms of quit quitting

    • @youtuber-cc8sx
      @youtuber-cc8sx 17 дней назад

      Any form of being different is now also judged very harshly as being weird

    • @5hydroxyT
      @5hydroxyT 17 дней назад

      @@youtuber-cc8sx I feel that we have always judged people for being 'weird' or different...my worry is that now we see ourselves through a lens of performance, so that if we don't meet expectations, we seek a diagnosis to explain that...like the expectations of the modern, capitalist state are somehow 'normal' and we are abnormal for not meeting them!

  • @Mr.Giotto
    @Mr.Giotto 25 дней назад

    It seems that you presented Kierkegaard as an atheist thinker, while completely opposite is the case

  • @thefives5759
    @thefives5759 25 дней назад

    THANK YOU SO MUCH SIR FOR THIS VIDEO. This really helped me a lot. I'm glad I found this. Thank God for bringing me here

  • @christophervrioni2164
    @christophervrioni2164 28 дней назад

    Great lecture I really enjoy how this lecture is presented. makes taking notes and studying easier and it is very educational professional as well.

  • @markelrod582
    @markelrod582 28 дней назад

    Shes overanalytical, controlling. Overprotective. All in the neurotic spectrum. Mild. Not many sessions.

    • @understandingpsychology
      @understandingpsychology 4 дня назад

      therapy is helpful even for those who are looking for personal growth, without some form of neurosis

  • @markelrod582
    @markelrod582 28 дней назад

    I think therapy sessions could help in certain situations. Role playing in whick you get at the core and act out stuck trauma.

  • @Iwonderwhy153
    @Iwonderwhy153 29 дней назад

    Dear Dr. Kapline, I wish I had you as a professor. I have never felt so strongly about the amazing way you teach. Definitely subscribed. Cannot wait for more. 👋👋👋 Thank you so much for your contribution to students like me.

  • @bluefoxxcosplay4754
    @bluefoxxcosplay4754 29 дней назад

    I really enjoyed this video! I’m currently taking a virtual course and having a lecture to listen to actively has helped men immensely in understanding the components of social psychology. Thank you again!

  • @angelinenhari7258
    @angelinenhari7258 Месяц назад


  • @joycengeru6520
    @joycengeru6520 Месяц назад


  • @samriddhisharma7044
    @samriddhisharma7044 Месяц назад

    I will just say I am very glad you made this video, thank you so so much. Its helping me a ton!

  • @xXstevilleXx
    @xXstevilleXx Месяц назад

    2/ also I tend not to get angry, used to pre-2018, but anger, happiness, fear, hate etc. I remember these but I don't feel them, but heck apathy is there again, that is wrong. Most people who murder are men, so should women now associate men as dangerous as result? See, that is the problem with essentially just reading the DSM or rather narrating the 'bottom-line' since many of these relate to clusters, comorbidities and by itself unless you expound using other peer-reviewed papers... actually, I am not going to comment on this since it serves no purpose, I stick to what I said. I might as well negate this disorder entirely

  • @xXstevilleXx
    @xXstevilleXx Месяц назад

    See I have ADHD, during 2018 (last few months) I was fired but not just fired, laws in my country if it so that one must have 3 written warnings and only a handful of things lead to immediate dismissal, had a clean record, worked there for 16 years, took them from paper to paperless and created software that is still today the first ever in my country (employment equity changed so that companies should 'get rid' of white people) being the sole reason... lost everything, all turned their back on me, predicated on the above suspension was prolonged, it was hell, wife left, yet here I am. Trouble with that section of the DSM, I have great parents (I am 42). I am a software engineer with a Master Degree in Computing and given the context, I deficient thinking? really? sure I prefer solitude, mingling with people I avoid, I am more misanthropic all those things yes, but saying that my thinking is defective given what I do and having a Master's Degree (Cum Laude no less), sorry but that is wrong, but yeah people, seemingly Mental Health Experts are not even questioning the accuracy of their 'bible'

  • @arushiarora7498
    @arushiarora7498 Месяц назад

    Can you also cover the causal factors of the same?

  • @arushiarora7498
    @arushiarora7498 Месяц назад

    Thank you for this!❤

    @MYTHOMINHTRAN Месяц назад

    "It reminds me of A Beautiful Mind and the young guy who got on the same train that I take to work from Lucerne to Zurich, Switzerland's financial hub, and returned. However, that young man's disorder was much more severe than Dr. John Nash's.".. I can't stop reading the book of Bandy Xenobia Lee, "The danger of...."!

    @MYTHOMINHTRAN Месяц назад

    "Je pense donc je suis." (# I think that I am).

  • @Theofficalwarfishy
    @Theofficalwarfishy Месяц назад

    Aye good job my man. Keep up the great work.

  • @Theofficalwarfishy
    @Theofficalwarfishy Месяц назад

    It’s really bad I don’t know why people cyber bully. Maybe they are just mean overall or maybe people are just jealous thanks for the tips.

    • @GojoZGlitchTM
      @GojoZGlitchTM 15 дней назад

      Yea thats why they bully they just jealous ppl💘

  • @NaturallyBeu-vf9nb
    @NaturallyBeu-vf9nb Месяц назад

    Informative lecture, Ty

  • @amandagriffiths8280
    @amandagriffiths8280 Месяц назад

    I have this condition. Feel free to ask anything

  • @lesliepetersonsapparcheolo9020
    @lesliepetersonsapparcheolo9020 Месяц назад

    Hi, I have heard descriptions of histrionic disorder before, but never the cause of it. Your explanation is more complete. Thank you!

  •  Месяц назад

    I was recently tested for ADHD. During, also had personality test. Result report mentioned multiple "schizoid traits" but no dx of SPD. Of the seven DSM-5 dx criteria that you list, I'm strongly positive with five and moderately positive on the remaining two. I find that my EQ score is low so i may not even be self aware enough to know the severity of my condition. Im looking for a competent psychologist who can dx and treat me if indicated. Florida has few such resources. But im doing as much research as time allows. You presentation was brief but informative. Thanks.

  • @fire.smok3
    @fire.smok3 Месяц назад

    Yet more proof that quite a lot of psychology is BS and most psychologists are delusional and/or useless.

  • @vvvvagner
    @vvvvagner Месяц назад

    Such a good lecture! I have a small seminar to present to my class on my first semester of psychology and this video brought so much information I didn’t find anywhere else. Thank you from Brazil, Dr Daniel!

  • @arushiarora7498
    @arushiarora7498 Месяц назад

    Thank you for this❤

  • @sallybella8824
    @sallybella8824 Месяц назад

    When crossdressing is a requirement for a man to get turned on and desire sex its kinda disturbing for any woman that he is with because hes not turned on by being with her. I think the minimizing of crossdressing as an obstacle to a relationship is wrong. It is a big deal. (When it is done purely for the result of getting sexual gratification

  • @arushiarora7498
    @arushiarora7498 Месяц назад

    Thank you for this ❤

  • @magerojeanjacques3663
    @magerojeanjacques3663 2 месяца назад

    Thanks Dr. for this insightful video. I'm Jean, a Msc. Clinical Psy student from Uganda. I find ,much of your work very helpful

  • @splint3rsec
    @splint3rsec 2 месяца назад

    Good day Dr. Kaplin, your video was very simple to understand and informative, thanks a lot! My 17 years old brother got diagnosed with schizophrenia because of multiple problems (family, school, failing sports, getting yelled at all the time...). He doesn't want to take medication since he doesn't "trust" anything chemical. He even eats raw food because he thinks it's more biological and healthier. He moved out to another city with my father because he wanted to escape the hallucinations at our house, and also he wants to follow a football career. My question would be, is there any chance he might surpass this in the future without medication/therapy? If yes, can you please provide us with a program (nutrition, lifestyle, communication...) that we can follow to get him back to normal? Your help is very much appreciated.

  • @jamesobiri1583
    @jamesobiri1583 2 месяца назад

    Thanks doc. Very well explained.

  • @zenafied
    @zenafied 2 месяца назад

    Can one personality disorder create another? I developed Avoidant Personality Disorder and symptoms of Borderline slowly through out my teens, and in my mid 20s after a series of long term chronic traumas, it went pretty hardcore into that. I dealt with those symptoms for a lot of years, and then in my 30s my Borderline symptoms went off the charts in an abusive relationship, as well as my other disorders like depression, OCD, but I was trying to change the AvPD by trying to have friends. After a retraumatizing therapist experience, I lost all emotions. Like a switch was flipped, and it went from 100% to 0%. I've been stuck like that for 8 years. Everything about you changes without emotions, and your energy level is tanked. It's like someone pulled the plug from your life force, and so you have no reason to do all the stuff that emotions drive you to do, like interact with people, inuldge in hobbies, go outside. Time feels stuck, memories feel non existent. But it's been so long. I feel like I lost a lot of intelligence as well. I've spent time in Schizoid communities. I think because they've spent their whole lives that way, they don't really know what they're missing, but some of the dialogue I see makes me think of someone very young and inexperienced. I do feel very inexperienced because of the AvPD though.... I dunno, any thoughts if you see this?

    • @rappersorbee
      @rappersorbee 9 дней назад

      I strongly relate to a lot of your experience, some thoughts about the idea of disorders evolving throughout life, I think it's worth to consider that while the science of psychology is wildly important and often severely undermined in our society, it's still good to remember that while the sciences do get really close at accurately categorizing states in our brain, none of it is concrete enough to rule out or claim that the disorders are permanent or they are singular affects and surely there can't be too many at once etc. We don't even know if consciousness is in our brains, so something as complex as a disorder of the mind, especially personality ones that are usually born out of maladaptive schemas within our ego, and we do know how powerful our ego is especially relating to cognitive abilities or "seeing reality accurately" So on one hand all the disorders and labels do exist but also they don't, if that makes sense? Seems entirely possible that someone, given a dynamic enough life experience and sensitivities that heighten the chance of being affected by our environment, someone could both develop and continually "fix" certain symptoms related to their experiences that would on paper seem like a personality disorder evolving into/ causing a different one These disorders are stated that a mind can be in and they are concrete enough to seem unchanged while also not concrete enough to make it impossible for someone's mind to shift into either a different state that happens to cause a cluster of symptoms pointing to a new disorder or heal and allow someone to reintegrate into a mind seemingly free of disorders. I'm curious, would you say that before your 8 year period of being entirely detached from your emotions, did you consider yourself a somewhat sensitive individual?

  • @user-cb7iu1oe7k
    @user-cb7iu1oe7k 2 месяца назад

    I think I have gone from being schizophrenic to schizoid and I'm happy about that

  • @footballhighlights-xz6lm
    @footballhighlights-xz6lm 2 месяца назад

    Tenx and great love from Ethiopia DR

  • @basuyarbrough5365
    @basuyarbrough5365 2 месяца назад

    So fun until you made it about you and the lgbt smh go and do research on them clearly we are not the same 😂 make ur own things instead of tearing down what the greats made

    • @understandingpsychology
      @understandingpsychology 2 месяца назад

      I am sorry that you found aspects of the video disconcerting. The discussion on Freud and limitations to his theory are well established. From the time of the development of the DSM-III homosexuality was removed.

    • @AionCounsellingServices-fd3up
      @AionCounsellingServices-fd3up Месяц назад

      Think you might want to look at your need to idealise "the greats" and their biases and prejudices. You do know it's 2024, right? Any counselling and/or psychology course worth its salt will look at the development of models and approaches through the lens of diversity and inclusiveness, which invariably means dismantling shibboleths erected out of ignorance.

    • @AionCounsellingServices-fd3up
      @AionCounsellingServices-fd3up Месяц назад

      Sorry, that was @basuyarborough5365

  • @piotr_jurkiewicz
    @piotr_jurkiewicz 2 месяца назад

    9:35 I'm confused - didn't Adler die in like 37'?

    • @understandingpsychology
      @understandingpsychology 2 месяца назад

      Yes, that is the point. While CBT theorists get credit for cognitive advances, Adler emphasized cognition well before either Ellis or Beck and should be appreciated for his contributions as well.

  • @celis637
    @celis637 2 месяца назад

    Thank you so much for your video! It's very helpful to have someone explain it rather than reading it from a textbook.

  • @naetek6430
    @naetek6430 2 месяца назад

    ...you can mention that the first Object relation Psychoanalyst was Melanie Klein... I know In USA she was not valued at all....

    • @understandingpsychology
      @understandingpsychology 2 месяца назад

      I agree. Melanie Klein was under-appreciated

    • @naetek6430
      @naetek6430 2 месяца назад

      @@understandingpsychology ...unconsciously ( Probably ) from you as well...

  • @sunshinerain5676
    @sunshinerain5676 3 месяца назад

    Most informative video on this subject on RUclips that I have seen. Thanks for being so thorough.

  • @mariconsoledad8365
    @mariconsoledad8365 3 месяца назад

    Hi Dr. Kaplin! You have such amazing lectures. I binged everything and was wondering if you have one for Reality Therapy? I'm not sure if I just missed it, but if not would really appreciate if you could share one in the near future. Thank you so much for all that you do! It is so appreciated especially from someone who is trying their best to grow in the field like me.

  • @veronicapuleo1625
    @veronicapuleo1625 3 месяца назад

    I'm so happy to have found this channel. Thank you Dr. Kaplin. I'm going to be applying to grad school later this year and just enrolled in Lifespan as my final prerequisite. I'm excited to study psychology at my age (51) after all my experiences. I look forward to watching more of your videos.

  • @user-xs2cp6zp5y
    @user-xs2cp6zp5y 3 месяца назад

    Just wanted to tell you, your a legend! Thank you so much for the work you do! Really appreciate it! Can't believe this golden nugget of a channel hasn't been discovered by the masses yet! But keep up the great work!

  • @MohamedIsmail-ju2jt
    @MohamedIsmail-ju2jt 3 месяца назад

    a great lecture I looking long time. Thanks for helping

  • @jmfs3497
    @jmfs3497 3 месяца назад

    I wish OCPD did not exist. It is the most abusive personality disorder I have ever met. The abuse can hide under the surface when needed, just like narcissism. The OCPD people can abuse the people closest to them behind closed doors. Their families bear the burden, their coworkers... anyone who can not easily go No Contact becomes traumatized by the OCPD person. People around those with OCPD must live their lives in secret, otherwise the OCPD person will relentlessly pursue control over the best qualities of that person until they can compulsively destroy that person.

    @PIX_FUSION 3 месяца назад

    My girlfriend got this disorder called Dissociative fague. Is there any treatment, is she will be normal

  • @matthewnelson9809
    @matthewnelson9809 3 месяца назад

    i can see the work and denial at some time according to who and ehatever sorry i quess it safe to wait my turn it all ha meaning i find sorry that i feel that way but it clear preety eay no big thing